
题目:Understanding the Crosstalk Between the Perceptual System and the Motor System in Human Brain

时间:2020年11月10日 12:55-14:30

地点:80足球直播吧 F210会议室

报告人:王立卉 副研究员(上海交通大学心理与行为科学研究院)

邀请人:孟建军 副教授(机器人研究所)



王立卉于2016年在北京大学心理与认知科学学院获得博士学位,2016-2019年在德国马格德堡大学心理学院从事博士后研究工作,同时任职马格德堡脑科学与行为科学中心Research Fellow,2020年起任上海交通大学心理与行为科学研究院副研究员,博士生导师,上海交通大学医学院精神卫生中心客座研究员。2017年获欧洲区域发展基金,2020年获上海市科委扬帆计划, 上海脑科学与类脑研究中心求索计划杰出青年研究组长,国家自然科学基金青年项目。其研究内容主要关注人类知觉系统与运动系统在大脑的整合机制,以及这一整合的失调如何解释和预测临床心理与精神障碍。近年研究成果发表于Nature Communications, Cerebral Cortex等。



Traditionally action and perception are treated in isolation, and are generally thought to be implemented by distinct brain modules in that sensory areas transform sensory signals into perception while (pre-)motor areas control action planning and execution. In this talk, this traditional framework will be challenged by the findings that the visual cortex can be distinctively activated by eye-movements and the primary motor cortex can be distinctively activated by visual stimuli. First, the study shows that the inferior occipital temporal cortex, areas thought to represent face and house images, can be activated by eye-movement sequences without any image input. Then the results show that the primary motor cortex can be activated by reward-predictive visual stimuli even when this motor activation is counterproductive to getting reward. Further results show how this inappropriate motor activation can be overcome by inhibitory control. Taken together, these findings suggest interactions between perceptual system and motor system in the brain, and shed light on the mechanism of self-control disorders.




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