题目:New Fronters in Hybrid PV-X Technologies for Distributed Solar Polygeneration
时间:2024年6月28日 10:00-11:30
地点:80足球直播吧 F103会议室
邀请人:代彦军 教授、贾腾 博士(制冷与低温工程研究所)
Christos N. Markides,英国帝国理工学院教授,清洁能源过程(CEP)实验室负责人,Applied Thermal Engineering期刊主编,Solarflow公司的创始董事和首席执行官(www.solarflow.co.uk)。主要研究方向是太阳能光伏光热(PVT)技术、高效热能回收与储存技术等。目前已发表350多篇期刊论文和400多篇会议论文。曾获2016年lMechE's ‘’Donald J. Groen’’杰出论文奖、2017年帝国理工学院校长卓越研究奖,2018年“Global Award for Best Research Project”等。
In standard PV-T collector designs, the electrical and thermal outputs conflict with each other; efforts to collect additional thermal energy and at a higher temperature lead to electrical losses. This has led to the proposal of next-generation designs that can generate high-temperature heat, while not sacrificing the generated electricity. We will present conventional and advanced PV-T collector designs along with their underpinning operational principles. We will also propose a new concept that we refer to as ‘PV-X’ collectors, which harnesses secondary processes integrated synergistically with the PV cells and performed directly within the collector.