时间:2024年5月29日 16:00-18:00
地点:80足球直播吧 F310会议室
邀请人:黄煜 副教授(振动、冲击、噪声研究所)
李新建,博士,浙江大学研究员。李博士于2010年在中国科学院神经所获得博士学位后,在香港理工大学、美国约翰霍普金斯大学和美国国立健康研究所工作。2019年初,李新建博士作为独立的研究员加入浙江大学。其实验室以非人灵长类动物狨猴和小鼠为模式动物,通过对皮层神经元单细胞水平钙成像及电生理来研究运动控制、空间导航、语言和运动的神经机制。近年来,李新建博士在Nature, Cell, Advanced Science,Journal of Neuroscience等期刊发表文章二十多篇,主持面上基金2项、“智能机器人”重点专项及科技创新2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目2项。
Human speech and animal vocalizations are important for social communication and animal survival. Neurons in the auditory pathway are responsive to a range of sounds, from elementary sound features to complex acoustic sounds. For social communication, responses to distinct patterns of vocalization are usually highly specific to an individual conspecific call, in some species. This includes the specificity of sound patterns and embedded biological information. We conducted single-unit recordings in the amygdala of awake marmosets and presented calls used in marmoset communication, calls of other species and calls from specific marmoset individuals. We found that some neurons in the amygdala distinguished ‘Phee’ calls from vocalizations of other animals and other types of marmoset vocalizations.