题目:Advanced Optical Diagnostics for The Investigation of Innovative Propulsion Systems
时间:2024年4月18日 10:00-12:00
地点:80足球直播吧 F210会议室
邀请人:韩东 教授(新能源动力研究所)
Prof. Michael Wensing is known for his contribution to the experimental investigation of spray processes and flows under high pressure and temperature as well as for the development and manufacture of special test rigs and instruments, (laser) optical diagnostics, which are currently used by many R&D departments in universities and the automotive industry. He has so far supervised 30 successfully completed PhD theses in engineering and is currently advising 20 PhD students. He is very active in STEM activities to inspire young people for technical careers and study programs. His research group (3 postdocs, 15 engineers, 10 student assistants) at FAU is more than 90% funded by research contracts from the national and international automotive industry and public research foundations such as the EU and national and international research councils. He has published over 250 scientific papers. Prof. Wensing is the founder and CTO of Think-tech! GmbH and consultant to various automobile manufacturers and motorsport teams.
This presentation provides an overview of modern optical measurement methods and specialized test equipment for the fundamental investigation of innovative drive systems. Examples from the field of alternative fuels, modern combustion processes, pre-chamber ignition and hydrogen-based and electrochemical systems show the requirements for modern measurement methods in research and development. New developments in lighting and recording technology allow a deep insight into the sub-processes taking place.