时间:2024年3月22日 10:00-12:00
地点:80足球直播吧 F301会议室
邀请人:王京 副教授(智能制造与信息工程研究所)
朱金龙博士主要从事面向半导体与集成电路的纳米尺度探测技术与装备研究,入选首届“海外优青”、中科院“百人计划”、湖北省“百人计划”、华为“东湖学者”等人才计划,在Nature Communications、Advanced Science、ACS Nano、Nano Letters、Light: Science & Applications等期刊发表论文40余篇,授权发明专利20余项。研究成果"光学电动态力场IC芯片缺陷显微检测系统"获美国光学学会OSA视频采访、北美CLEO学术会议Finalist for Tingye Li Innovation奖、美国FCMN学术会议封面论文奖、麻省理工学院“MIT News”报道,并受邀在美国硅谷Cisco、SK Hynix、Nanometrics等公司做报告。
The growing demand for electronic devices, smart devices, and the Internet of Things constitutes the primary driving force for marching down the path of decreased critical dimension and increased circuit intricacy of integrated circuits. However, as sub-10 nm high-volume manufacturing is becoming the mainstream, there is greater awareness that defects introduced by OEM components impact yield and manufacturing costs. The identification, positioning, and classification of these defects, including random particles and systematic defects, are becoming more and more challenging at the 10 nm node and beyond. In this presentation, we give a comprehensive review of the emerging topics in the past decade, alongside a detailed description of the in-house developed novel phase imaging techniques for semiconductor metrology and inspection.