题目: 线性及非线性流固耦合动力学的进展
时间:2019年5月16日 9:30-11:30
地点:80足球直播吧 F210会议室
邀请人:蒋伟康 教授(振动、冲击、噪声研究所)
(Chartered Mathematician, Fellow of Institute of Mathematics & Applications, UK),美国ASME流固耦合专业委员会官方委员,ASME会员 (Official Membership of ASME Fluid Structure Interaction Technical Committee, Member of ASME, USA), 国际声音与振动研究院会员 (Member of International Institute of Acoustics & vibration),中国力学学会、航空学会、振动工程学会会员 (Member of Chinese Society of Vibration Engineering, Member of Chinese Society of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Member of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics)。
This report will give a short introduction on the developments on linear and nonlinear fluid – structure interaction dynamics with applications in engineering. The contents cover the four numerical methods developed by professor Xing, his colleagues and students, which includes: 1) mixed finite element substructure-subdomain method; 2) mixed FE-boundary element method; 3) mixed FE-finite difference method; and 4) mixed FE-smoothing particle method. The first two for linear problems covering acoustic waves, sloshing and dynamic responses of engineering structures coupled with fluids, etc. The last two ones are for nonlinear problems involving large fluid motions as well as breaking waves in marine engineering.