Jocelyne Troccaz 教授学术报告会

题目:Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions at TIMC (CNRS)

时间:2019年4月16日 10:00-11:00

地点:80足球直播吧 F210会议室

邀请人:陈晓军 研究员(生物医学制造与生命质量工程研究所 )



Jocelyne Troccaz教授是手术机器人领域的世界著名学者。早在1990年就开始从事
该领域的研究,其开发的手术机器人系统广泛应用于骨科、心血管外科、泌尿外科、放疗手术等临床实践。在IEEE Transactions on Robotics、Medical Image Analysis等发表论文250余篇,授权国际发明专利11项。担任(或曾担任)多种期刊的副主编或编委,包括:IEEE Transactions on Robotics、Medical Image Analysis 、The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 、Computer Assisted Surgery等。获得了多项荣誉:2010年,当选MICCAI Fellow,2018年当选IEEE Fellow。2013年当选法国外科医学院 (French Academy of Surgery) 院士,2015年获CNRS银奖,2016年获法国最高奖章 (Légiond 'Honneur)。Troccaz教授于1996-2013任CAMI研究组PI,2006-2016任TIMC研究所副所长,2016至今任法国CAMI 联合实验室负责人。



Computer-Assisted Medical Intervention systems aim at providing assistance to clinicians for planning, simulating and executing safely, accurately and efficiently diagnostic or therapeutic actions. Such systems are based on a strong connection between digital data (patient images and signals, a priori information embedded in atlases, statistical models, biomechanical models, surgical protocols, etc.) and the real world where the clinician has to operate the patient. Sensors may enable intra-operative data acquisition for refined decision making and action monitoring; actuators such as robots may be involved in the action itself with different levels of cooperation with a human operator. Many disciplines are involved in this research such as: imaging and signal processing, data fusion, modeling (organs, surgical protocols, diseases, etc.), biomechanical simulation, robotics, man-machine interface design, biomedical engineering and of course medicine. This talk will present recent advances of the domain and current work handled in TIMC and in the French CAMI consortium.




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