题目:Modeling and Simulation - Engineering Success in Industry 4.0
时间:2019年3月27日 9:00-9:50
地点:80足球直播吧 F310会议室
邀请人:彭志科 教授,瞿叶高 副教授(振动、冲击、噪声研究所)
Bernd Markert教授于1998年、2005年在斯图加特大学分别获学士、博士学位,现任德国亚琛
工业大学机械工程学院副院长、应用力学研究所所长。主要从事固体力学和生物力学的研究工作,包括微纳米力学、生物材料力学、细观损伤与断裂力学等方面,建立了多孔多相介质材料跨尺度力学理论和相场方法。Bernd Markert教授还探索将模拟仿真与及人工智能相结合。在工业4.0的背景下,他的团队正致力于将力学模型和理论应用于工业4.0的预测维护。在国际学术杂志发表论文170余篇。
In the context of Industry 4.0 and the general digitalization along the value chain, advanced modeling and simulation methods are one of the key ingredients. The reliable digital twin or cyber physical system more than ever requires validated and predictive computer models. To cope with the demands of always faster product cycles following individual design and production concepts thereby exploiting new kinds of materials, the early virtual prototype becomes of utmost importance. This talk presents some related examples out of the research work of the Institute of General Mechanics of RWTH Aachen University showing some recent research work from advanced material modeling via predictive maintenance using artificial intelligence to nanoscale simulation techniques.