题目:Chlorine in Biomass: Mode of Occurrence and Release during Pyrolysis in Reactors of Various Configurations
时间:2019年1月11日 9:00-10:00
地点:80足球直播吧 F310会议室
Professor Hongwei Wu is the head of Discipline of Chemical Engineering, Western Australian School of
Mines: Minerals, Energy and Chemical Engineering, Curtin University, Australia. At Curtin, Prof. Wu leads a sizable research group dedicated to fundamental studies into thermochemical processing of various fuels, particularly coal, biomass, biomass-derived fuels (e.g. bio-oil, biochar, bioslurry). Since 2018, Prof Wu has been serving as the Associated Editor of Energy & Fuels – a journal published by the American Chemical Society (ACS). Recently, Prof. Wu has also received the inaugural 2018 Curtin Awards for Excellence in Higher Degree by Research Supervision.
This seminar discusses the presence of Cl in biomass and the release of Cl in char, tar, and gas during pyrolysis at 400−900 °C in various reactor systems. All Cl species in the biomass sample (mallee bark) are in form of water-soluble chlorides. In a fixed-bed pyrolysis reactor, the release of Cl is insensitive to pyrolysis temperature between 400 and 900 °C, with Cl completely released with volatiles (∼77% in tar and ∼23% in gas). In a drop-tube/fixed-bed reactor, under continuous feeding, the amount of Cl released at 400 °C is similar to that in the fixed-bed reactor. However, Cl retention in char increases with temperature, reaching a maximum at 600 °C (∼42%), and then decreases with further temperature increases (e.g., only ∼6% at 900 °C). In the same drop-tube/fixed-bed reactor under pulsed feeding conditions, Cl release and distribution follow similar trends but to a lesser extent. The results confirm that volatile−char interactions also play important roles in Cl release and distribution among products during biomass pyrolysis and that Cl in char is thermally unstable at elevated temperatures. Calculations by difference further suggest that substantial Cl (47−84%) is present in tars, which is further confirmed by quantifying Cl in the flue gas produced from in situ combustion of biomass volatiles using a two-column pyrolysis/combustion reactor. While achievable under all other conditions, the mass balances of Cl in char, tar, and gas are not achievable during biomass pyrolysis in the drop-tube/fixed-bed reactor at T > 600 °C, suggesting that some Cl react with inorganic species (e.g., Na and K) to form alkali chlorides and deposit on the reactor wall.
时间:2019年1月11日 10:00-11:00
地点:80足球直播吧 F310会议室
人才支持计划”。主要从事生物质热化学转化制取高品位液体燃料和高附加值产品的研究。近五年来,以一作出版1部英文专著和2部英文著作章节,以通讯/一作发表SCI论文70余篇,应邀在Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 发表生物质热解转化的长篇综述,并入选热点论文;受邀作大会报告5次,并在香山科学会议作特邀报告;以第一完成人获授权发明专利13项、教育部自然科学一等奖1项。